We are pleased to announce that our shopping cart is now working using Visa and Mastercard. Unfortunately we are unable to take orders online using American Express cards. If you wish to pay via AMEX please contact the office: +44 (0) 1527 592878.

Social Media

Boost your business by embracing social media! Stay in touch with your network, find new contacts and promote local meetings and events. You can also share posts and get the latest Reliv Europe updates from our social media accounts:


Social Media Advice

There are a few things to keep in mind whilst increasing your business through social media:

  • Identify yourself as an Independent Reliv Distributor
  • Link to Reliv’s videos, nutritional information, images, etc.
  • Don’t be too forthcoming or send unrequested information
  • Contact head office if you are unsure about the material you are posting
  • Stay professional and be wary of who will be seeing your social media profiles
  • Read our Policies & Procedures to see a full list of advice and regulations regarding social media.

NB: Do not make any health or financial claims. Remember that your social media profile reflects you as an Independent Distributor and Reliv as a company.

Reliv Social Media Content

Click here to find exciting content to share with your network across social media sites!
