We are pleased to announce that our shopping cart is now working using Visa and Mastercard. Unfortunately we are unable to take orders online using American Express cards. If you wish to pay via AMEX please contact the office: +44 (0) 1527 592878.

Reliv Web Bundle

Take your business online! For just €12 per month plus VAT the Reliv Web Bundle gives you:

Personal Website 

  • Give Reliv presentations anytime, anywhere through your mobile device.
  • Add customers and Distributors on the spot with your own shopping cart and online sponsoring.
  • Customise your site with your personal info and select pages you want to highlight.
  • Tell the Reliv story through ready-to-go web pages.
  • Take the guided video tour to learn more.

Distributor Dashboard - Immediate, 24/7 access to information on all activity in your organisation and online tools to track, manage and grow your business.

Special offer! All Distributors from rank 1 and above! Enjoy your first 3 months FREE once you order the Bundle for the first time. As you complete the check-out process, the totals you see will not be billed until after the three-month trial period.