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The Reliv Europe Ambassador Programme has been created to enable us to recognise, work with, and build an elite group of Distributors who have built successful Reliv businesses here in Europe. Firstly, all former European Ambassadors will be invited into the new programme and new Distributors will be invited to join the group by achieving two successive months at Master Director income. The programme will start from the 1st November 2024 and will require requalification in the same manner as the requalification programme works for current Master Affiliates. An Ambassador will not lose the title of Ambassador but they will be recognised as either an Active Ambassador or an Ambassador.
The rewards for Ambassadors will be specific to the activity carried out by a Ambassador and those rewards/recognition will work outside and over and beyond of the current lucrative Road to Platinum Director Programme, RTP.
There will be no Bronze, Silver or Gold Ambassadors, this is covered in the RTP at Presidential level. There will be Ambassadors……. except that there will be two types of Ambassador.
Active Ambassador or Ambassador

The Role of a Reliv Europe Ambassador (Active or not)
To act and speak in a manner that that maintains the integrity, positive culture and healthy image of both the Company and its Distributors.
To use their knowledge and experience to always encourage others to be the best Reliv Distributor that they can be.
Active Ambassadors will be invited to attend, within reason, special Active Ambassador meeting either be it on Zoom or in real life terms with members of the Company’s corporate team from time to time. Attendance is not compulsory.
Active Ambassadors will be invited conduct M.A.T. schools and use their knowledge and experience to coach the attendees using the M.A.T. slides provided.
To attend, within reason, special events like Kick Off and Conferences in their specific countries.
If asked, within reason, to become part of a leadership steering team that will work with corporate on various and specific projects.
To be seen and heard as Reliv Europe Ambassadors promoting the Kalogris Foundation and encourage others to do so as well.
To always promote Company/Distributor events.

Initial Introduction to the Reliv Europe Ambassador programme.
We are inviting all former European Ambassadors into the programme. If they accept the invitation, then they will enter the programme as an Active Ambassador. The launch of the programme will be from November 1st 2024.

Former Ambassadors who are invited to join the programme, and accept, will become Active Ambassadors from the 1st November 2024 and all will have until January 31st 2026 to requalify.
A Distributor who qualifies as a Master Director for the first time and achieves 2 consecutive months making Master Director earnings, will be invited into the Reliv Europe Ambassador programme after a short online/phone interview with the EU Sales Manager.
Once you are accepted into the program then Re-qualification is simply achieve Master Director earning status in one month as per RTP rules using the Master Affiliate requalification year
Note 1
We would run qualification/requalification as per the current Master Affiliate requalification period.
You qualify for the first time as a new Master Director and you are accepted into the Reliv Europe Ambassador programme, for example, in November 2024 you have until January 31st 2026 to requalify as an Active Ambassador
You requalify February 2025 you have until January 31st ,2027 to requalify again.
For the initial launch, all former Ambassadors invited into the programme would have to requalify by January 31st, 2026.
Note 2
An Active Ambassador becomes an Ambassador if they fail to requalify in their requalification period.
An Ambassador can requalify as an Active Ambassador again by hitting the Master Director earnings level in one month.
Once a Ambassador always a Ambassador, be it Active or not.

Benefits of a being an Active Ambassador.
Reliv Europe Ambassador Jewellery
Special Recognition
M.A.T.s trainers fee of €250 either live or on Zoom ! The fee is flat fee, not a per person fee. This Fee is for M.A.T.s events only !
When attending M.A.Ts as a workshop presenter, travel and accommodation costs will be incurred the company. We will reimburse to a level as set out by the Company and agreed with the Company before the event.
Along with Presidential Directors, Active Ambassadors will get 2 free tickets into the EU conference including entry to any after event meal/party and that will include the pre meal drinks get together.
Special Ambassador seating at conference/special events
If asked to carry out a workshop an EU Conference or Special event which is accepted by the Active Ambassador and completed, then a €50 donation will be made by the Reliv Europe to the Kalogris Foundation on their behalf. And the Company will cover one nights accommodation cost. Reliv will not cover any travel costs in relation to EU conference of Kick-Off events.
Receive quarterly a Reliv Europe Ambassador on-line Newsletter.

Benefits of an Ambassador.
Ambassador Jewellery
Life long Recognition for the part they played in building the company.
Special Recognition
If asked to carry out a workshop at conference or special event which is accepted by the Qualifying Ambassador and completed, then a £50 (Equivalent in Euros) donation will be made by Reliv Europe to the Kalogris Foundation on their behalf. And the Company will also cover one nights accommodation cost. No travel costs will be covered.
Along with Presidential Directors and Active Ambassadors, Ambassadors will get 2 free tickets into the EU conference including entry to any after event meal/party and that will include the pre meal drinks get together.
Special Ambassador seating at conference.
Receive quarterly a Reliv Europe Ambassador on-line Newsletter.

The Future.
It is the intention of the Reliv European management to grow the Reliv Europe Ambassador programme over the years ahead in many and various ways. What has been presented here is a foundational format from which we believe will only be the start of a program that will see individuals, groups, the Kalogris Foundation and the Company rise and prosper through everyones efforts in a positive environment .
