We are pleased to announce that our shopping cart is now working using Visa and Mastercard. Unfortunately we are unable to take orders online using American Express cards. If you wish to pay via AMEX please contact the office: +44 (0) 1527 592878.
Switch User with Profile Search
Buy Tickets (Before buying tickets, use the "switch user" tool above to switch to the distributor)


How to add a party to a ticket that has already been bought:

Click "Check-in" above
Click the ticket you want to add a party to
Click "Add party ticket" (click more than once if adding more than one party)
Click "Save"
You will be taken through checkout to collect payment for the party.

How to transfer a ticket:

Click "Check-in" above
Click the ticket you want to transfer

Fill in the new person's info 

Click "Save"

Badge Print Settings:

For Windows Computers in Chrome: Select Layout:Landscape and Paper size:2-3/7"

For Mac Computers in Chrome: Select Layout:Landscape and Paper size:2.4"

Ensure "print" -> "more settings" -> "headers and footers" is NOT checked


Plan for if the internet goes down durring conference check-in:

1) IT will bring a backup internet connection (cellphone-network-powered wifi hotspot)

2) There will be a printed out list of everyone who registered for conference.



Conference Dev Tools: 

Ribbon Color Test Page