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Staying Compliant When Making Product "Health" Claims in Your Reliv Business

There are strict rules within the UK and EU markets around what we can say about the links between the Reliv products, the ingredients in them, and health. Please check the following guideline to ensure compliance when you talk about the products or share your stories and experiences:

Reliv products are not licensed or approved as medicinal products, therefore it is important that you avoid medicinal or implied medicinal claims such as:

  • Claims or personal stories suggesting that the Reliv products may have or are able to improve, treat, cure, or prevent any health-related condition or symptoms – testimonials or conversations in the field that are linked to the Reliv products must therefore not indicate any discomfort before taking the Reliv products and feeling better after.
  • Reference to any medical or health condition such as cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, etc., or related symptoms in connection with the Reliv products, as these are considered a medicinal type claim about the products.
  • Sharing stories and experiences that mention sleep, pain or stress in connection with the products.
  • Advertise or promote the use of Reliv products for medical purposes.

Please note: The products are intended as food for nutritional purposes only. It should always be recommended to seek medical advice to review the suitability of the products for a person if someone has any concerns about consuming them, or when a health condition is involved.

COVID-19 – please avoid:

  • References to COVID-19, coronavirus, viruses, flu (or any other health condition), or any of the symptoms of such conditions. 
  • Phrases suggesting that a product could be particularly useful for staying healthy during the pandemic or during these difficult times.  

Please avoid discouraging food or our daily diet, and do not promote nutritional supplementation instead; such as:

  • Claiming that a balanced and varied diet cannot provide adequate nutrition or meet the requirements that we need.
  • Suggesting that there is widespread vitamin or mineral deficiency due to the foods we eat.
  • Encouraging the substitution of a healthy diet for Reliv products, and suggesting that nutritional products should be added to the diet.

Please do use authorised health claims. In the UK and EU, you cannot simply claim a health or wellbeing benefit from an ingredient in Reliv products. You can however, advertise health benefits in connection with the products if the claims derive from the EU or GB register of nutrition and health claims:
  • The status must show as authorised for use and...
  • Reliv products must meet all of the conditions for use section.

Please note: To verify that you are using compliant and authorised health claims, we recommend you use the following registers:

  • ADD
    If the only conditions for use or requirement shows the following terminology ‘The claim may be used only for food which is at least a source of (ingredient X) as referred to in the claim SOURCE OF [NAME OF VITAMIN/S] AND/OR [NAME OF MINERAL/S] as listed in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006’, then as long as the nutrient is listed on the nutritional declaration section of the Reliv product label, this is confirmation that it fulfils this requirement.
  • Health claims must be linked to the ingredient or nutrient for which they are approved, and not to the Reliv product itself – this must be made clear. Examples can be found below:
  • Do say: Reliv Innergize contains vitamin C which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
  • Don’t say: Innergize contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

  • There is little flexibility in changing the wording when using claims from the nutrition and health claim registers. This ensures the exact meaning of the claim remains, and it is not altered, strengthened or exaggerated in any way.
  • To help you understand how this works, we will use the above example ‘contributes to’:
  • it could be swapped for: ‘helps’ or ‘supports’
  • it cannot be swapped for: ‘is important for’ ‘boosts’, ‘strengthens’, ‘stimulates’ or ‘optimises’.

 A selection of authorised health claims you can use for some of our Reliv products:

Reliv Now for Kids:

  • Reliv Now for Kids contains calcium and vitamin D which are needed for normal growth and development of bone in children
  • Reliv Now for Kids contains vitamin D which contributes to the normal function of the immune system in children
  • Reliv Now for Kids contains iron which contributes to normal cognitive development of children

Reliv Now or Reliv Classic:

  • Reliv Now/Classic contains vitamin B6 which contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
  • Reliv Now/Classic contains calcium which contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes
  • Reliv Now/Classic contains vitamin B12 which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Reliv Now/Classic contains magnesium which contributes to the maintenance of normal bones
  • Reliv Now/Classic Iron contributes to the normal function of the immune system


  • Innergize contains vitamin C which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue


  • FibRestore contains vitamins A and C which both contribute to the normal function of the immune system

 Non-specific references to health or wellbeing must be backed with a relevant supporting authorised claim. If you wish to use phrases such as ‘good for you’, ‘healthy’, ‘more energy’ etc., and there is no approved health claim available, then you will not be able to use the non-specific reference.

Example of a statement made:

  • ‘Be more energised’

 Example of a supporting health claim which authorises the use of this statement:

  • ‘Innergize contains vitamin C which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue’

Helpful Advice

When advertising the products and sharing them with others, please use the content and benefits already available on the Reliv UK or EU websites for our products. This way you can be confident that you are complying with UK and EU regulations. If you have further questions, please contact us at: eucompliance@relivinc.com.

Trading Standards and other authorities actively search social media. We therefore encourage you to remain compliant in ALL forms of communication, including social media.
